Sneaky Thief Xiao Ji works

Chapter 933: Dragon Descending Pill Pavilion


”龍慧姍俏皮地笑了笑,在等待沈翔拿出一些東西,雖然她確信沈翔無法拔劍出來,不過她還是以防萬一,這把劍已經是她的了,但如果被彆人這麼容易弄走,她也會很心疼的。龍家這麼大的家族,拿出讓龍慧姍看得上眼的東西也不容易呀!“你有信心把這把劍拔出來嗎?如果成功弄到的話,說不定就能打開那三個寶箱!”龍雪怡問道:“如果你覺得可以,就用玉龍花吧,這丫頭體內肯定有冰龍血脈,對龍族的事情應該有所瞭解,她知道玉龍花的珍貴...Chapter 933: The Dragon Taming Pill Pavilion

Schenxiang dashed into the black mist without stopping, but he still called out: "Everyone, follow me."

Whoever followed him was asking for death.ent. The Dragon Demon Princess looks serious and fierce, but she doesn't really scare people away. It seems like she naturally has a kind of affinity that makes people feel close to her, regardless of...